How is wind produced?
How was the wind used in ancient Egypt?
How did the Dutch improve the use of windmills?
What is wind direction?
Mention the parts of a wind turbine.
Where are wind turbines most efficient?
What point in the Earth receives more of the sun’s energy?
What size can a wind turbine be?
How are sites chosen before building wind farms?
- What is the ideal distance among wind turbines in a wind farm?
Why does the Earth’s surface absorb the sun’s radiant energy at different rates?
Where were the earliest windmills found?
What did the American colonists use the windmills for?
How did this change after the 1920s?
What is an anemometer?
Mention the parts of a wind turbine.
Where are wind turbines most efficient?
What point in the Earth receives more of the sun’s energy?
How are sites chosen before building wind farms?
What consequences might there be in areas where tornadoes, hurricanes or ice storms happen?
Does the land and the water heat up at the same speed?
How did the Dutch improve the use of windmills?
What caused the windmill to re-enter the American landscape in the 1970s?
What is a wind vane?
Mention the parts of a wind turbine.
Where are wind turbines most efficient?
Why are wind turbines placed on top of towers?
What size can a wind turbine be?
How are sites chosen before building wind farms?
What is the ideal distance among wind turbines in a wind farm?
What does the warm air over the land do?
What did the American colonists use the windmills for?
How did this change after the 1920s?
What is wind direction?
Why is wind speed important?
What does the amount of electricity produced by a wind turbine depend on?
Where are wind turbines most efficient?
What point in the Earth receives more of the sun’s energy?
Why are wind turbines placed on top of towers?
How much land is necessary for each wind turbine?
- What caused the windmill to re-enter the American landscape in the 1970s?
What is a wind vane?
What does the amount of electricity produced by a wind turbine depend on?
Mention the parts of a wind turbine.
What point in the Earth receives more of the sun’s energy?
What size can a wind turbine be?
What is a wind farm?
What is the ideal distance among wind turbines in a wind farm?
Can agriculture and cattle raising still happen near wind farms?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of building offshore wind farms?
How long will wind be produced?
Why is wind speed important?
What is an anemometer?
Mention the parts of a wind turbine.
Why are wind turbines placed on top of towers?
What size can a wind turbine be?
What are the best sites for wind farms?
What permissions are necessary to build a wind farm?
Describe offshore wind farms.
Who are the usual owners of wind farms?
How long will wind be produced?
Why is wind speed important?
What is an anemometer?
Mention the parts of a wind turbine.
Why are wind turbines placed on top of towers?
What size can a wind turbine be?
How effective are wind turbines as compared to other plants?
Why cannot wind power plants operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?
How much electricity can one wind turbine produce?
What do small wind systems consist of?
Why does the Earth’s surface absorb the sun’s radiant energy at different rates?
Does the land and the water heat up at the same speed?
How was the wind used in ancient Egypt?
Where were the earliest windmills found?
How did the Dutch improve the use of windmills?
What does the amount of electricity produced by a wind turbine depend on?
Mention the parts of a wind turbine.
How are sites chosen before building wind farms?
What consequences might there be in areas where tornadoes, hurricanes or ice storms happen?
What permissions are necessary to build a wind farm?
- How is wind produced?
Why does the Earth’s surface absorb the sun’s radiant energy at different rates?
How was the wind used in ancient Egypt?
What does the amount of electricity produced by a wind turbine depend on?
What size can a wind turbine be?
What are the best sites for wind farms?
What permissions are necessary to build a wind farm?
Describe offshore wind farms.
How effective are wind turbines as compared to other plants?
Why cannot wind power plants operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?
How was the wind used in ancient Egypt?
How did the Dutch improve the use of windmills?
What is wind direction?
Where are wind turbines most efficient?
How much land is necessary for each wind turbine?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of building offshore wind farms?
Who are the usual owners of wind farms?
How effective are wind turbines as compared to other plants?
Why cannot wind power plants operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?
How much electricity can one wind turbine produce?
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